Partner Program

Job Interview Brand And The Interview Coach offers a great opportunity for businesses and organizations that target employment seekers and career counselors. If you're working with job seekers, resume writers, employment consultants, human research organizations, trainers, or anyone who is seeking employment, consider referring your customers and subscribers to my "Job Interview Brand" online interactive tool.  This six-step interview tool will guide your clients through preparation to become a savvy interview candidate like no other system has before. Your client will have "in-hand" their unique interview brand, their 5-point statement to answer the tough interview questions like, "tell me about yourself, or why should we hire you. It is an easy – quick - step-by-step process. THIS IS A “NO-NONSENSE” approach to preparing for the interview.

The Interview Coach pays: $50 for every "Job Winning Brand" Counselors Package you refer.  Click Here to see the product page.

The Interview Coach will also pay you $10 for every digital copy of "Interview Fitness Training" book you sell - this is Carole Martin's benchmark book that she uses to train coaches, clients and job seekers around the world.

You will receive a commission check every month, when the amount is at least $30. E-mail Notifications: Wouldn't you want to know when you make a sale without logging on to the tracking system? Every time an order is placed from your affiliate link, you get an e-mail notification. This way you can immediately track the results of your marketing efforts! Become an Affiliate Now | Login to Affiliate Center (Note: this will bring you to the Affiliate Program for The Interview Coach)

To your success,
Carole Martin